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Ariana "2MCH4YA" (2005)

Ariana "2MCH4YA" (2005)

1. Ain't Gon' Hear It 2. Daddy's Baby Girl 3. Whatever I Want Too 4. Too Young 5. Strife 6. Ain't Gon' Hear It (sing along track) 7. Daddy's Baby Girl (sing along track) 8. Whatever I Want Too (sing along track) 9. Too Young (sing along track) 10. Strife...

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Gordon Chambers (Interview)

Gordon Chambers (Interview)

Effectuée le 28 Avril, par téléphone. A la suite de nombreux échanges de mail et de notre second entretien téléphonique, nous convenont l heure d une Interview "virtuelle" afin de le faire connaitre un peu mieux au public français. C est volontiers que...

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MD West "Ink From My Heart" (2005)

MD West "Ink From My Heart" (2005)

1. Happy Mother's Day 2. Rain (the journey begins...) 3. Prayerlude (she's gone) 4. My Prayer (true story) 5. The Idea (prayer answered) 6. No Matter What...(love goes on) 7. Supafine! (dedication) 8. Father 2U (the promise) 9. Izzy Outro 10. Mother's...

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G-Wiz "Naughty Bits" (1993)

G-Wiz "Naughty Bits" (1993)

1. Teddy Bear 2. Come And Play With Me 3. Y-U-Doggin Me 4. Surrender 5. Let Your Love Fall Down 6. Doggin Me (Shout Outs) Impressions: 6 morceaux, 6 bijoux! Voilà comment on pourrait résumer en 2 mots cet album. C'est Grand Jury (Gerald Baillergeau) qui...

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Auto & Cherokee "Naked" (1992)

Auto & Cherokee "Naked" (1992)

1. Introduction to Our World 2. Naked Music 3. Taste 4. Indian Summer 5. So Good to Be in Love 6. Best of Friends 7. Interlude/Breed of the Apple Children 8. She Eats Like a Lion 9. Hack Your Bed 10. Hook You Up 11. Forever Yours 12. Homeless 13. Taste...

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Elaté "Elaté" (1996)

Elaté "Elaté" (1996)

1. Get Up 2. Taste of Your Love 3. What's Wrong 4. My Room 5. Memories 6. Heartbeat 7. All Night 8. Quiet Is Kept Impressions: 3 ans d'attente après la sortie de leur 1er maxi "Drop Down", Elate nous livrent là un album court mais extremement bien fait,...

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